What Is Special About Indoor Plants And Do They Purify The Air?

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Indoor plants offer many advantages that make them worthwhile additions to any home. Houseplants enhance the ambiance of the home, aid in healing and stress reduction, foster a sense of connection to nature, and foster creativity.

They can even help with long-term health problems like anxiety and stress. However, the main reason that people add these little planters to their houses is that they can purify the air.

Since COVID, people have been more conscious about the air quality inside their homes. In this article, we’ll learn the extraordinary things these indoor plants do and the plants that purify the air inside a household.

Let’s begin!

Unique benefits that indoor plants provide:
Here are some of the benefits that indoor plants provide and what you can expect when a plant for yourself too:

Indoor plants are a great way to purify the air in your home. They can also help improve your mood and mental well-being.

Houseplants Reduce Harmful Indoor Air Pollutants:

VOCs, also known as volatile organic compounds, are chemicals emitted as gases from typical household products like carpets, particle board furniture, paints, and numerous cleaning solutions. VOCs, including benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, can harm health, increasing the incidence of certain malignancies and allergies.

 A home with 1800 square feet can dramatically reduce the amount of VOCs in the air by adding just fifteen to eighteen indoor plants. It shows how effective these little plants can be against all the pollutants that are harmful to health.

Houseplants increase indoor humidity:

Plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis, but they also emit water vapor into the atmosphere, which raises relative humidity levels. It’s beneficial during the dry winter when gas or electric heat can seriously damage your skin and respiratory system.

With the help of houseplants, you can raise the humidity levels in your home, which will help with respiratory health and problems like parched winter skin and dry, curly hair.

Indoor plants reduce allergens:

Houseplants can significantly reduce the dust and mold in indoor air, which helps improve respiratory health by removing some of the most prevalent allergens, even though the exact mechanism at work still needs to be fully understood.

According to a recent Virginia Tech research, houseplants can reduce indoor air dust by up to 20%, and their capacity to control humidity can help lower hazardous moisture levels in bathrooms and other wet areas prone to mold.

While there are many beautiful houseplants to pick from to enhance air quality, some of the top options are peace lilies, English ivy, and Chinese evergreens.

House plants reduce stress and anxiety:

The majority of people are aware of how effective contact with nature is at reducing stress. Working with the natural environment can assist us in regaining our attention, becoming more present, and managing difficulties better. It can do this through activities like park walks, practicing “forest bathing” on treks, and gardening. But outside isn’t the only thing that can help you feel less stressed. Indoor gardening with houseplants can also be beneficial.

Household plants improve sleep quality:

Although lush foliage and colorful flowers can bring beauty and comfort to bedrooms, plants’ ability to increase oxygen levels can also help to encourage deep sleep. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen which is then released into the environment.

A recent study found that exposure to high oxygen levels at night can encourage more profound, more restorative sleep; thus, it should be no surprise that many scientists and medical professionals advise bringing houseplants to your bedroom.

Plants that purify the air:

These are some of the plants that purify the air that you can have in your house:

Spider plants:

Spider plants, also referred to as air plants, are quick-growing and look beautiful in hanging baskets, particularly in your workspace. They occasionally even produce beautiful white flowers.

There are more than 200 spider plants, many of which can withstand our occasional carelessness.


A novice with a green thumb should grow dracaenas. These numerous indoor plants come in various forms, dimensions, and hues. Choose between the rainbow plant, a vivid purple color, or the tall corn plant, which has unique patterning.

It eliminates pollutants like formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, etc.

Golden Pothos:

This plant, often known as devil’s ivy, may be the closest thing to an indestructible plant. It may grow up to 8 feet long and thrives in various environments. It is also considered one of the top home air purifiers for removing usual pollutants.

It eliminates toluene, carbon monoxide, and other harmful pollutants that can adversely affect your health. This plant in your house will purify the air and improve the environment for your children and pets.


Mums, or florists’ chrysanthemums, are rated as the best air purifiers. They have been demonstrated to remove ammonia as well as common poisons.

Because this flower only blooms for roughly six weeks, reward yourself with a brand-new pot.

As new growth shows in the spring, fertilize the container once more. However, it will need the flowers to filter the air. You should buy a new pot if you want to immediately.

They are essential in removing ammonia which can be dangerous if it remains in your house, leading to adverse effects on your health.

Bamboo Palms:

This potent plant is renowned for its height and effortless grace. It does have preferences for how to be cared for and prefers intense light but not direct sunshine. Bamboo palms are a pleasant addition in the dry winter because they release a good amount of moisture into the air.

These palms significantly reduce many pollutants like benzene, toluene, and others. It helps moisturize the air, which has positive effects on your skin.

Areca Palms:

It’s simpler to grow this tiny Madagascarian plant outside. However, if you have a room with plenty of brilliant filtered light, its gently arching leaves will be a lovely accent.

This plant is excellent for removing benzene, carbon monoxide, and other severe pollutants from a house.


To conclude, it’s evident from the information above that indoor plants are a great way to remove air pollutants from a house. Plants have various special abilities that can have a positive effect overall, air purifying being the number one.