Best Plants For Kid’s Bedrooms

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Introducing indoor plants is the best part to include outside in your house. Not only will these plants create a natural vibe, but they will also give a fresh décor addition to your home. Having indoor plants has many advantages. These plants emit water vapors and greatly help keep the atmosphere moist. Doing this can avoid colds, sore throats, and other minor illnesses like dry skin. These serve the purpose of producing negative ions, just like air purifying equipment.

Moreover, having indoor plants for your kids is also a great way to keep your child engaged and in touch with nature. You can use plants in your children’s bedrooms if you’re looking for plants. This article will help you decide which plant is best for them.

Let your kids explore their green thumbs! Check out this list of the best plants for kid's bedrooms and help them find the perfect fit for their room.

1. Spider Plant

A very easy to maintain and take care of, this plant absorbs toxins from the air like carbon monoxide, xylene, and formaldehyde.

 In turn, it produces a lot of oxygen, making a win-win situation for your house. Moreover, these are edible, making them entirely safe for children and pets. And it doesn’t end here; these are impossible to kill, adding to their lists of advantages.

2. Gerbera Jamesonii

This plant has beautiful flowers; children love its colors and wide gorgeous flowers. This plant will add color and vibrancy to your child’s bedroom, and its presence doesn’t go unnoticed thanks to its bright colors. You can have variation by choosing a combination of plants with various coloring varieties of flowers. The only thing this plant requires is ample sunlight. Place it somewhere accessible to light, such as a window or a partially lit place, and watch it light up the room with its colors.

3. Christmas Cactus

Your child will learn the art of propagation with this plant as it is significantly easy to propagate. Moreover, since the plant blooms during the holiday season, this makes it a great pick as a plant for winter months.

4. African Violet

Native to Africa, this plant can be called a plant made for being kept indoors. It comes in various colors like pink, red, blue, white, and lavender. This plant is undoubtedly one of the best picks when it comes to plants for kids. All it needs is a place that receives sunlight all day long. It’s better to keep it in an area exposed to bright morning sunlight for a few hours.

5. ZZ plant

This one is an attractive plant. A low-maintenance plant that doesn’t need that much sunlight and will grow well without much maintenance. Also, you don’t need to keep a check on your child to keep it maintained; it will stay alive. However, one must remember that this plant has Calcium Oxalate, which makes it mildly toxic.

6. Lucky Bamboo

One of the easiest to grow a plant on this list is the Lucky Bamboo. This plant will amaze your kids as it can increase solely on water. All it needs is a glass vase with water. Ensure the roots are submerged in water so the plant can grow properly.

7. Jasmine

Jasmine produces a calming scent, a plant that will replace any air freshener in your room. It is an excellent pick to improve mood and boost concentration and memory, as I love its scent. To ensure that your plant grows well, ensure it receives at least a few hours of direct sunlight daily.

8. Air Plants

These are super easy to grow and don’t require any soil. It is easy to grow and can be a great way to make your kids fall in love with the growing process of plants. These plants need a spot with excellent air circulation, so make sure to place them someplace there.

9. Jade Plant

Resistible to harsher conditions and diseases, these plants have a long lifespan. Not only this, but these plants also produce flowers, making them an excellent choice for your kid’s bedroom. The leaves have an oval shape and come with a charming appearance making them suitable for bonsais.

10. Ponytail Palm

Also known as Elephant’s foot, this plant can tolerate rough conditions like drought, grow well even in indirect sunlight, and is immune to significant pest problems. These pros make it an excellent pick for a children’s bedroom. 

11. Rubber tree

Indeed, it is an excellent pick as it removes formaldehyde. This substance causes irritation in the ears and throat and prevents respiratory problems in children. It’s also a good choice if you’re searching for an indoor plant for living rooms and home offices.

12. Pothos

With its beautiful heart-shaped leaves, this trailing houseplant is a masterpiece of beauty. Get creative and add them to a hanging basket to increase the aesthetic beauty of your kid’s bedroom. These only require indirect sunlight and are low maintenance.

13. Sensitive Plant

This plant grows naturally in the tropics and can use as an indoor plant. The plant’s named “sensitive” as it folds inward when touched by someone. Your child will find this plant exciting because it “shies away” when connected. Indeed, they’ll love playing with it. However, this plant requires extended bright indirect sunlight and warmth all day long to thrive at its best.

14. Bromeliad

It is a durable plant that touches the sun-kissed tropics of your house. Many people think this plant must require a lot of loving care and maintenance because of its exotic and colorful foliage, but that is not the case.

Final Thoughts

All these plants are an excellent pick for your child’s bedroom. You can pick any and gift your child on their birthday. Indeed, it’ll light up their face. If not for a special occasion, take your child when shopping for these plants for their bedroom, as it’ll make them feel more responsible. The plant will be of their own choice, making it more probable that they will own up to the responsibility to care for these.