How To Decorate Your House For a Terrific Halloween Party 

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Every year, when Halloween approaches, we feel like making a different plan to celebrate a terrifying night of the year. We look for plans in our city or invitations from friends, and we value which is the best option. However, you may be thinking of doing it differently this year: organizing a party at home. 

Halloween is the perfect occasion to get dressed up, go out, party with friends, and decorate your house. Here are some tips on decorating your house to make it look spooky yet stylish.

The truth is that opening the doors of your home to your guests is usually a headache because of the number of things that need to be prepared, and, in the end, it is always the same: we end up spending more money than if we do something outside the house. But, at the same time, if you like to organize this type of event, you will enjoy preparing everything. For this same reason, we propose you spend the minimum possible money for a great party. “Do you already have a layout planned for your blog? There is a beautiful layout for everyone, regardless of your preference for a chic postcard design or a more editorial blog approach.”

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When we think about hosting a party, there is only one rule to follow: don’t make it just any party, but the best one your guests have ever been to. That doesn’t mean, as we just told you, you must leave a lot of money for decoration and food. And to help you, we bring ideas to decorate your house on Halloween without spending too much money on it. That way, you won’t have an excuse for your party not to be chillingly perfect. Let’s see it!


You can borrow vintage brass kitchenware or candlesticks from a family member or friend. Get all of them because, added to the rest of the decoration, they will make your house look scarier.


Homes decorated for Halloween abuse the neglected effect, i.e., many broken, dirty, old curtains or sheets. To avoid ruining your house, you can use old white sheets that you hang as a corridor or curtain around the house. The good thing about them is that you can stain them; however, you want to take advantage and write down terrifying messages that pass through your mind.


If you don’t want to spend any money on spiderwebs (although it’s an investment we recommend because you’ll spend very little and be able to use them a lot), you have another widely used resource: toilet paper! Place it from a door to a lamp and drop it everywhere.


Artificial candles are also profitable investments (because they are cheap and you can use them at other times, such as Christmas). Those that imitate the natural light of the flame but go with batteries. This way, there will be no fire danger, and you can keep them lit as long as you want. There are smaller ones and imitating large candles. 

You can put them all over the house without fear if you get several, and the look will be unique! You can use them because, later, you can light them to give your room a romantic look, for a special dinner night, or to place them as a centerpiece at Christmas. 


Another cheaper and more practical option you can use is to create garlands with ghostly aspects. Creating matching garlands is simple, so you only need to pawn all your talent to give them the Halloween shape you want.


With cardboard boxes that you can order from the store underneath your house, you can create different shapes. For example, for a photo-call area, give the shape of several graves, paint them black, and put a D.E.P. in the middle. If you create several different sizes and some spiders hanging on the wall, you will have a photo call of death!


Every self-respecting Halloween decoration should have its ketchup or tomato sauce on. We’re not talking about staining the walls but think about whether it’s not worth it to stain the bathroom mirror or the sheets we were talking about earlier. Even if you dare, the curtains in the bathroom with your hands well placed would be very scary.


All closed or open doors are an excellent opportunity to decorate. You can turn them into Frankensteins or hang up some striped socks filled with paper (as if someone was caught). All the little details, in the end, will add up to a great decoration.


To make ghosts, you only need white glue, water, paper, and a plastic cup. Put a paper ball on top of the glass, which will make the ghost’s head round. The idea is to line the plastic cup with white glue and water while putting it in little paper cups. Let it dry long enough, and paint two eyes and a mouth on the ghost. 

Carefully remove the plastic cap from the interior and make a small hole in the head to hang it up. The result? If you hang it from the lamp, it will be a ghost in the middle of nowhere. Original and very cheap! 


The black cardboard has to be present for all the small details of our decoration. Use it to cut out the shape of a black cat and put it on your photo call. Also, make small mice shapes that you can put on the skirting board or threatening eyes and hands coming out of the toilet tank. What do you think?


We can use the material you have at home to decorate your Halloween party. We are talking, for example, about a simple broom that you can transform into a real witch’s broom, or do you think you will not succeed if you leave it near the photo call?

In conclusion

Decorating your house for a terrific Halloween party doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. You can transform your home into the perfect spooky setting with a few creative ideas. Start by establishing a theme, like a graveyard chic or traditional Halloween, and select decorations that fit it. Remember food and drinks! Cute and creepy snacks are easy to make and add a perfect touch of terror to any gathering.